Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005,3:24 PM
There are 5 cats on a couch. One Jumped off. How many were left?
la la la.
Ya i'm slightly bored. Actually I'm taking a quick break out of my room.
I'm packing for youth camp which starts the 24th. I can't wait i'm so very excited!
This will be my 8th year to Georgia Camp. I've been going to the same camp since i was 8.
Ya its awesome. I've only been to one other camp and thats when I went with my sister to Oklahoma Camp. I think it was like 5 years ago or so.
All I know is no one ever wanted to talk to me but i made my sister Let me hang with her. lol.

We just this past weekend had our Regional Convention. It was great.
The Lord Truly Blessed me during the Prayer Line.
I played my guitar during all of the singing and special singing ect.
I also was asked to sing and I was the first to sing before anyone else at the Convention. So hey I started them all off. :)
I sang a song that I wrote called I Am. go to and look for I am.
Its a very powerful song. Everyone seemed to like it. AND HEY I Played my guitar and sang at the same time without messing up once! I'm so proud of me. lol. Nah I know the Lord Was with me the entire time helping me along. And I thank him for that.

don't forget to check out that link in the post below. Perhaps we can get on there and chat Grace... since you don't have any messenger. We can just go on my site and chat there. Otherwise we stick to E-mailing back and forth and that can get fun...! lol.

Well I'm gonna scoot. Maybe I'll get another chance to post up on here before I leave for Youth Camp. But until then! Hasta Luego!


Answer to the TITLE:

None They were all Copy Cats. =D
posted by Denise | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, July 13, 2005,1:18 PM
check it out become a member and maybe one day we will both be on and we can chat!
posted by Denise | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 12, 2005,1:34 PM
A quicky
God Likes it when we talk to him. I go throughout everyday talking to him like theres no tomorrow. quite literally. The past two days i've just broke down and Cried because I needed somewhat of a hug from God. And I had prayed to him and talked to him but not like I usually would. My spirit was different I just well how he pointed it out to me today was I basically demanded of him. I ask him to forgive me for this. For I am deeply sorry.
It seems as though i've been telling alot of people sorry lately. Whats going on? I never hurt people! I'm a people person! The devil has found every single excuse that he knew would work on me... and most of them did.
I even hurt a friend recently and I hope he forgives me... and I truly cannot stop thinking about it. It makes me so sad... I just don't know what else to say to make him forgive me. He has to forgive me though the bible says too do so.
I can do better than this. I have done better than this. I sometimes feel as if I'm walking on water with Jesus and even though i don't drown i'm going under enough that my eyes are blind.
Everyone has there moments though. Just lately seems like mine are coming more and more often. Is it because the Regional Coenvention is coming up and Youth camp is coming up in a couple weeks and the devil KNOWS that God is going to use me? IS this why? He can back off then... I am so tired of life and its emotional set back. Everyone is a baby. And I'm so tired of everyone complaining. And then we talk about going out. And then they talk about talking about going out... if that makes any sence. Babies. And some of them are proud of it!
I wish God could relieve me from life for 5 minutes everyday every week, ect.
I wish I was continueously around those of my friends whom truly love and serve the Lord and desire to be in his persence every moment of everyday. Those who strive to follow him and seek his face. Am I the only one who feels this way? I'm sure I can't be.
Any comments on this thought?

I do request your prayers though... Life is Life and we have to live it everday. unfortuantly we can't just decide to go be with God in heaven... otherwise each of us would probably already be there. I guess at times I just have these moments where I go, EVERYONE JUST FREEZE! just grow up! and get over it! move on! Learn something! quit trying to control the church and just grow up!
I've always been one to listen more than speak more. the Bible says to be wise as serpants and harmless as doves. I guess I have just made this a true habit.

posted by Denise | Permalink | 1 comments
Saturday, July 09, 2005,6:32 PM
I don't know what to do I don't know what to say... i'll come back some other day.
posted by Denise | Permalink | 2 comments
Sunday, July 03, 2005,3:34 AM
Pizza Anyone?
I told you I'd write when I got back but umm that was like a couple weeks ago. LOL. its okay i'll just mkae up for lost times! Ummm if you have more than 5 minutes to read then stay if not you might as well pass it by. ;)

Alabama was great. Mom and dad went out to do their business while Matthew and I stayed home at Tammys house (My sister) with the neices. Then Tuesday we went swimming and loads of fun.
Lydia, (the younger of the two neices) her float had just enough air out of it that it turned over on her with her in it. Half her little 1 year old body was in the water head first. Tammy Grabbed her up fast. Dad about jumped in the water then.
Then I had just got on a bed float and Eliana (the older of the two) was going to get on with me. But I floated far away enough where she couldn't... so she asked mommy (who wasn't in the pool) if she could run and jump like always. mommy said yes. But no one was there to catch her except me but i was on the float. she runs and jumps any way straight into the water she goes under and then up and under. I jotted off that float so fast and grabbed her. She held me so tight after that. But Now she will tell you she fell into the water and Nese cought her. =)

4th of July Weekend:

Busing tables at CiCis Pizza since friday then saturday and again the 4rth to raise money for our youth from my church to do go to Church Camp that starts in about 3 weeks. So far between our car wash and this... we have raised a little over a thousand dollars. right now we have enough but we re giving 10% to missons so this coming monday will put us pretty high.
Pray for us we are all so tired. I don't think i sat down but ever break which was 2 and they were about 5-6 hours apart. I got home and momma popped my back which was killing me! it popped all the way down it felt so wonderful!

Job Offer:

Oh also pray cause I got a job offer at CiCis! ya they love me Razz Wink. Can't get enough of me! Wink Laughing
The manager wants to hire me so yaa please do pray about that with me.
I can even work during the school year because i'm home schooled it can be tough but I know i can do it.

My Experience this Weekend:

Some of you might know that I'm a Sign Language Interperator.
A guy and a girl came into CiCi's Pizza this weekend while i was the only one busing tables on my side everyone else was on break so... it took me forever to get over to them... But I noticed they were signing to each other so i said ok one of them are deaf. The Guy was. Since I never go over there to them to help them with their plates, ect... as they were leaving she went to the restroom and he just stood there... I asked him in sign language i said, "Are You Done?" He replied with a yes, thankyou.
As they were leaving I told the lady thank you for coming and havea wonderful evening. He looked at me and gave me the biggest grin i told him, " Thankyou for coming" and he said thankyou back. That was my definate highlight of that evening.

Laugh of The Day:

I only wish i understood the spanish people as I was trying to refil their drinks except... lol they just looked at me and laughed LOL!.

I only understood Dr.Pepper and Coke. LOL. so ya. hahahaha

I love to write but i'll stop now and write more later. Wink Laughing

posted by Denise | Permalink | 1 comments