Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
Monday, September 19, 2005,1:03 PM
Can You Say Picture Perfect?
Today I put up my pictures that match my furniture.
And I put up my coins... their in a picture frame and the have never been touched before!
They are so cool.
So now my room looks so good, and my walls aren't empty.
All I need is my pictures of my neices and Gracie... and my guitar and piano.
Yeah They are all going to be black and white!

I'm doing my room antique and black and white.
Its looking so good!

I can't talk long because matthew needs to laptop.

I cut my toe with a piece of plastic today. Yeah I was walking into my room and jammed my toe into the plastic.
Ehh it hurt really bad.

I talked to Sean Wantulok Saturday then again on Sunday.
Satuday for- 1 hour and 34 minutes.
Sunday for- 44 minutes and 10 seconds.

We had alot of fun. Like always! ;)

I also talked to Gracie, and Sister Leslie, and then Cindi, on Sunday.

Okay well Megan.. I'd love to have his e-mail address. If you don't mind?
You can e-mail it to me when ever you have the time.

posted by Denise | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, September 13, 2005,8:06 PM
Flower In The Rain
This is my favorite song in the entire world!
Its so pretty to sing, and the words are wonderful!

You are the One; there's no one else
Who lifts me up
And gives me water from the well
But there's a hole
That seems to drain it all away
And once again I'm left in fear and doubt
When all my strength is crying out

So here I am again
Willing to be opened up and broken like a flower in the rain
Tell me what have I to do
To die and then be raised
To reach beyond the pain
Like a flower in the rain

The evil wind, it blows a storm
To rock my world
Just when I think I'm safe and warm
I'm led astray far too easily
It's always hard for me to say I'm wrong
Until I know I can't go on


Lord, You have searched me
And know when I sleep and when I rise
You're familiar with all my ways
Even the darkness will shine
Like the day
When you look into my heart


Ohh My hand hurts so much. today in school I did so much writting.
Ehh so now my hand hurts badly.

Hey so does Tim Osborne have an E-mail Address? Or anything?
Or is he like... unknown?
Unknown most likely. *smiles*
Nah I'm waiting patiently for a, "I'VE GOT HIS E-MAIL FOR YOU DENISE!"

We are watching Sharks Tale.
I Love this movie! lol.
Moms on the phone with my sister, so the movie is paused.
So thats why I'm posting on my blog.

You know its just a different kind of bored... After you start school its like after your done with your school work... your bored and have nothing to do. Unlike when your out of school then you have an entire day of nothingness!!!!!!!!
Yeah so I'm just rambling on.

Empty spot still... Its really weird.
I don't really understand it.

It wasn't very easy being around Grace and Paul and then My friend Justin and my friend which is his girlfriend Carrie.
And then theres me in the middle with uhhh no body.
Yeah you guys are lucky.
I'll just uhhh stand aside. =)
I'll live and find somebody someday.

Its time for bed says me.
Love Ya guys!

~Denise Yvonne~

posted by Denise | Permalink | 2 comments
Saturday, September 10, 2005,1:56 PM
Yeah. What a nice little title I have there right?
Don't ask about it, Because I'm just not sure right at this moment why I typed that out.
Let me sit and talk for a lil' bit and perhaps I'll figure that out. ;)

I just got off the phone with my greatest, bestest, wonderfulest, buddy in the entire world!
Yeah thats right. =). hahaha. I just talked to Sean Wantulok.
If you guys ever need a good laugh just call him. =)
Actually on second thought... all his jokes and stupidity are for me. So you can't call him. =)
I'm the only person he carries a picture of around in his wallet now. =)
Yeah. Me in his wallet along with a picture of him when he was 4. =\. I'm not so sure why he carries that around but alright.
He wasn't sure if he should put it in his wallet or not because he said that people might think that i'm his Girlfriend. I told him, "So... is that such a terrible thing?" he said, "No. I guess not. =)"
He's so goofy. We had so much fun talking on the phone. He told me that he thought about calling me. I told him that thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things my friend.
He said well you should at least be happy I thought about it. =) goof.

Yeah so it looks like we will be calling each other on the weekends alot. Which I'm really excited about because we are the best of friends, and some people actually think he likes me more than a friend. He might... but I don't know i guess he just hasn't said anything about it to me. So I'll be quiet about it for now.

Sara's new baby neice's middle name is Elizabeth...
my neices name, You know... the baby that isn't born yet? Well her middle name is going to be Elizabeth as well!
Its really funny because...
Her first name is going to be Chloe.
and Tammy use to have a dog named chloe. hahaha
but the funny part is Tammy also use to have a dog named Riley!
Isn't that funny? yeah well anyways.

I'm starving! When I was talking to Sean... he was saying how he was hungry and stuff so he went and made him a hotdog. And he had some chips and a drink. And that made me really hungry with him eating his food in my ear! Yeah that was kind of sick... But it was a funny thing to laugh about.
We really didn't talk about anything important. Except how we both wish we could hang out with each other right about now.
Its truly sad. =( *sniff sniff* )=

I could really go for an all girls night with my sister, gracie, sarah m., umm, Jenn, megan m., and uhhh other girls lol. I'm not sure who else. =)
We can sit around and watch chick flicks, and just chat about everything!

You know, Ever since I accepted my calling into the ministry at the Assembly VLB night alter call service... I just feel like somethings missing. More or less like someone. But I'm just not sure.
It's weird. =\.
But everythings different. I mean I feel different. I feel more complete. but yet I feel theres something missing. And that I really need to find whatever that is. I'm praying about it alot.
I just can't seem to be the puzzle peices together quite yet.
Oh well... whatever it is, It will come in due time.

I wish next summer I could go and stay with Grace... or my sister... or someone. Anyone! I just need to get out of Georgia! Its so flat and ugly here lol. Too many Pine trees! no hills or mountains.
Blah its just boring land.

Having been born in Vancouver, Washington... and coming down here... its just a big change.
Like my ROY-G-BIV?
Very entertaining isn't it? ;)



Nice ehh?

Yeah I think so. =)
Well I'll be quiet now.

OH YEAH! One more thing...
Isaiah, I got your e-mail... ummm I hope you find that contact information for me. *smiles*
It would be wonderful.
Perhaps Micah, or josh have it as well? Thats what Gracie said could be possible.

Alrighty then. Thanks bunches!

~Denise Yvonne~
posted by Denise | Permalink | 1 comments
Monday, September 05, 2005,2:42 PM
Pretty Please with Sugar on top?
Hey everyone.
I was wondering if anyone could get me some contact information?
For Tim Osborne?
Yeah... dummy here didn't even think about it until after I spoke with him.
Okay so I have a bad memory problem while I'm talking to people! So what! ;)
But anywho... If someone could grab up that information for me It would be absolutely wonderful!!

I started school today. I'm doing the Block System again this year.
This symester I have Vocabulary Spelling IV, Algebra 1,
Backgrounds of World Literature Vol. 1.
Computer Concepts
Microsoft office 2000 (College Edition)

Next symester I'll have:
Masterpeices from World Literature Vol. 2
Biology, World History and cultures.

Yeah That seems like alot.
But the more I do the more credits I will get :P.

I don't have to take french but I want to.
I enjoy it alot. Its very exciting.

I'm also suppose to be getting credit for Home Economics.
Yeah So i'm gonna be busy during the week.

But anyways.
If someone could possibly get that information for me It would help me alot.
You know things like...

E-mail address, Home address, does he have internet so We can just like chat?
Cause' I'm not to big on writing letters... or actually I love to write the letters... I just have the problem of sending the letters.

Okay well I'm gonna go check out some other things for now.

posted by Denise | Permalink | 2 comments
Thursday, September 01, 2005,7:24 PM
At The Assembly!!!!
Yeah thats right! I'm finally here at the General Assembly. I'm in the hotel room on the laptop.
Service was good tonight.
The altar was full tonight.

I was sitting up in one of the box sections with a Friend of mine and behind us was four teenagers... And all of a sudden this guy comes running up preaching to these boys! Yeah! I and my friend just sat there for the longest time listening.
It was very neat though. He was very outgoing for the Lord.

My Neice Lydia... is very attached to me. lol!I can't walk aorund her without her seeing me and crying for me! Its very cool! Sometimes quite annoying when i'm trying to accomplish a task.

A guy came up to me this afternoon and spoke to me in spanish... he said, " How are You?"
I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or not hahaha i was just walking by.
So anyways... I said Oh me? I'm good I'm good. he goes no thats when you say uhh well Good in spanish i'm not sure how to spell it quite yet so haha lol.

Okay Okay... Jacob Shuler is so much better than me on the guitar that I am!
He's a way better picker than myself.
Its awesome.

Tomorrow my friend Justin Willit will be arriving. I have to say that I am excited to see him again.
Theres a guy staying here at Microtel that somehow he seems to know me obviously... He kept laughing at me making stupid remarks towards my little brother, And then during the afternoon session, he walked by me and asked, 'Aren't you hot in that leather Jacket?"
LOL But We walked by each other so fast that I thought He said, " You look hot in that leather jacket!" lol I can't wait to tell gracie that one. ;)
But The reason I know he didn't say that is because I turned around and said, "Pardon?"
I don't know his name though... I'll have to ask him tomorrow morning at breakfast if he is there.

Well I'm gonna go check out some other things online.
So that I can go to sleep and see everyone at the assembly again tomorrow.

posted by Denise | Permalink | 1 comments