Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
Monday, August 21, 2006,7:44 AM
Why Me???
Could there possibly be a time that I could PLEASE go without injuring myself?
C'mon! This is stupid!
Well at youth camp this year while playing volley-ball I hit the ball over and my right shoulder popped... it didn't hurt to bad, i figured it would go away! so then later that day at camp I went to do archery... well lets just say i only got to arrows out when i gave up because it was hurting my shoulder.
Then the other day I got into the car and i think it might have popped again...
well anyways dad and mom got to looking at it the next day, and dad came to the conclusion that I pulled a muslce in my shoulder. So To let it heal I'm having to wear a sling. It hurts... it almost feels like a bone is sticking through my shoulder lol... but anywho.

My sister and her husband and three girls are here for a couple of weeks. And then the General Assembly. Please pray though... we might not even have to money to make it to the assembly. I know that God can make a way, even when we with our human eyes can't see it possible.
Isn't he just wonderful!

Well I'm gonna go now. I'm trying to get into posting more often... I guess life hasn't been too interesting enough for me lol.


posted by Denise | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, August 16, 2006,7:26 AM
NO i'm not dead really!
lol Sorry guys... I've been in Washington state for the past week at a family reunion.
I'm exausted so I won't say much. I'll post pictures later... but heres my route.
We traveled along ways. From Drumright, Ok to Hood Park in Washington State.
It was so so so pretty up there. I was born in Washington so hey. It has been years since we have been up there.. so long I wasn't even old enough to remember! hahaha.
Had lots of fun though!

posted by Denise | Permalink | 0 comments